PONY branding + digital design - Jobs

All handfuls to do.

On the whole, the new ones are fine. They talk more than they should, but that’ s ok.
How should they know…

Of the same breed

In our work, we count on people we can rely on. Cowboys who know what’s going on, who can get things done and join in. Every grip has to be right – there’s no other way.

PONY in an interdisciplinary team, mostly internationally staffed. We work together in flat hierarchies with a lot of flexibility on exciting projects. We value talented support with passion and intelligence. People who are looking for a job that costs nerves and is fun.

For ideas to become reality, the process must bring joy. For everyone involved!

With us, there is no fortune to earn, but freedom and adventure to gain.

If your job takes you to Berlin – enter!

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