Pony branding + digital design - Begleitung

No one knows the country better.

Always ahead. Because it’s a matter of finding the right path, the safe passages and the best resting places, and not just following well-trodden paths. We know the destination. We know about the adversities. With the goal firmly in mind, we will find the way.

We show you how to achieve brand-driven growth.

Each business lifecycle phase contains specific challenges that require different solutions. Depending on which business lifecycle you are in with your company, different strategies are available to enable growing profitability and ensure your company’s success.

START phase

The way to get started, is to quit talking and start doing.Walt Disney

You have a good business idea, but are still at a loss for how to implement it?

We channel your enthusiasm about your new idea / innovation into clearly structured “next” steps.

We analyze the market potential, identify suitable target groups and communication channels. We optimize the product / service from a customer-centric perspective. Develop a well thought-out communication strategy and deliver resilient figures.

We trim your business plan / proof of concept to feasibility and reduce financial risk. We make you attractive for financiers and investors.

Together we do what we have always loved to do: Conquer new markets..

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GROWTH phase

It´s not about what you make. It’s about what you make happen for your customers!PONY branding

Do you want to increase demand and take full advantage of your growth opportunities?

We create identity and image. On the one hand, we clearly express what your brand stands for. On the other hand, we ensure the authentic and emotional perception of your brand..

We shape successful relationships between your company, employees, customers, partners and the public. Because your future, your successes and ultimately the well-being of all involved depend on successful communication..

We develop sales-oriented solutions and gear up your marketing and sales measures.

Whether successful data-driven multi-channel marketing, lead generation process optimization or marketing automation: PONY delivers bold, thoughtful and individual solutions.

Together we inspire new customers and increase market penetration.

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The greatest danger in times of turbulence is not the turbulence – it is to act with yesterday’s logic.Peter Drucker

Do you want to face new challenges and desire new solutions?

This is a great opportunity for business growth and expansion. At this stage of the business lifecycle, consider exploring new markets or developing new products for an existing customer base.

Once the revenue growth potential with existing products has been exhausted, another lever is to launch new products or services.

We initiate transformation processes and accompany them. We open doors for new thinking, new solutions and new growth for our customers. Based on our experience and external perspective, we are able to moderate change processes and lead them to success.

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What moves PONY branding

How we perceive the new challenges. How we think and wish for new solutions. How we secure new growth for our clients in digital times.

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Tools and Solutions

Whether brand, marketing & sales or data protection. With a lot of technical experience, a large portion of empathy and a deep understanding of the challenges of your industry, we lead every trek to success.

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Ask PONY / PONY helps

Why not talk to us about what we can do for you to help you compete even better.