From Wild Wild West and Wild Wild Web. – From Pony-Express and PONY branding.
What do the Wild West of yesteryear and the Internet of today have in common? The time of the opening up of the US American West between 1860 – 1890 and our time of digitalization offer exciting parallels.
Both defined their own laws and rules of the game. Both stand for the start into an unknown future as well as the possibility to create great things by oneself.
Wild Wild West
The turbulent development of the Wild West in the decades between the War of Secession and the beginning of the 20th century. As land grabbing and urbanization progressed, the settlement of these regions by Anglo-Americans as well as immigrants from Europe increased steadily..
With much hardship and through hard work, the often lawless areas (anarchy, vigilante justice) developed until the areas finally merged into the organized territories (states) of the United States around 1890.
Important people in contemporary history:
Jesse James, General George Armstrong Custer, Sioux leaders Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse, Billy the Kid, and Wyatt Earp. U.S. Presidents Ulysses S. Grant and Rutherford B. Hayes, detective founder Allan Pinkerton, and military commander-in-chief William T. Sherman, as well as a young (as yet unknown) Pony Express rider named William Cody aka Buffalo Bill.
Der Pony-Express nahm am 3. April 1860 den Betrieb auf. Er war ein als Reiterstafette organisierter Postbeförderungsdienst und kurzzeitig die schnellste Postverbindung in Nordamerika. Die fast 3100 km lange Route verlief von Saint Joseph und den erschlossenen Siedlungsgebieten in Missouri durch die weitgehend menschenleeren Prärien und über die Rocky Mountains nach Sacramento in Kalifornien.
Gesamtstatistik (Wikipedia): 120 Reiter, 650.000 zurückgelegte Meilen, ein Reiter wurde von Indianern getötet, eine Sendung ist nicht vollständig angekommen, eine ist verloren gegangen.
Wenn es im Wilden Westen etwas gab, dem man vertrauen konnte, dann war es der Pony-Express.
Wild Wild Web
The Internet grew wild and impetuous. Regulations are and were difficult to implement. As a result, the WWW is one of the driving forces behind the digital revolution.
At the same time, it is causing immense changes in the world of business and work, in public and private life. New media are increasingly influencing communication behavior, socialization processes and language culture. In addition, more and more possibilities for using and linking data are emerging, enabling new business models.
For example, the connection of embedded software systems for sensor-based monitoring on the one hand – and the control of physical reality with global digital network infrastructures (cyberspace) on the other – allow a wide range of applications and problem solutions with high economic potential and strong innovative power.
At the same time, the digital revolution is largely supply-driven rather than demand-driven, because more and more flexible usage options are being “discovered” by more and more potential users and used to reduce costs and increase profits.
Key people in contemporary history: Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Larry Page, Mark Zuckerberg, Jack Dorsey, Jeff Bezos, Jack Ma, Larry Ellison …
PONY branding
As an owner-managed digital and strategy agency, we are dedicated to “growth in saturated markets”. We see “growth from within the brand” as a central driver for corporate success. The important cornerstones for this are brand, marketing & sales on the one hand and innovation and change management on the other.
Our customers trust us to guide them safely through the digital age.
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