PONY branding + digital design - PONY express

Knowing what’s up.

We don’t talk much. Announcements have to be made and news has to be reported. Moderately talkative, generally informative and highly effective; this is how we can be described.

The PONY express delivers news…

…150 years ago by messenger rider on horse and printed on paper. Today by mouse click and in digital form.

No, no – don’t worry. The usual newsletter won’t be waiting for you here. As soon as we have something to report that might interest you or amuse you, we will get our telegram on its way. Your permission assumed…

How to register for the newsletter

PONY wants to prevent any possible misuse of your e-mail address. Therefore you will receive an e-mail from us a few minutes after you have registered for PONY express. Please click on the link given there. Only then will your e-mail address be added to our mailing list and you will automatically receive the next newsletter.

The shortest, fastest and safest way to our newsletter. There is actually no reason to ride past it.

Sign up for PONY express

    With your registration you agree to receive our newsletter and confirm your acceptance of our privacy page.